Friday, October 30, 2009

A Child's Prayer...

I was babysitting my nephew, Monkey, for a while this morning. We were playing peek-a-boo (a classic... no matter what anyone says!) on the couch when he started to fold his arms. Monkey has a special, 18-month-old way to fold his arms when we pray over food or bedtime, and sometimes he will spontaneously get into position in the middle of the day. When he does we just indulge him with a quick vocal prayer.

That's what we did this morning. He folded his arms in front of me, I said a short (but heartfelt) prayer. He folded his arms again. I prayed again. This happened five times before Monkey was satisfied with our communication.

Children are so close to the spirit.

He just barely left Heavenly Father. He must miss his heavenly home, and at 18 months old recognize that he feels closer to it when he offers a prayer. No wonder he likes to pray so often...

Before I left my mission my mission president relayed a story about a returned missionary who complained that he didn't feel the spirit the same way as he had on his mission. His old mission president asked if that RM prayed as often as a civilian as he had as a missionary (I counted... I offered 9 prayers before 10:30 am for completely different purposes...). The RM said he did not, and his leader's advice was to start praying more often.

I feel lucky to have had a boyfriend who also served as a constant reminder to pray. We would often talk late at night (long-distance + a 2-hour time difference = a lot of falling asleep on the phone), and when I'd become tired he would interrupt our conversation to ask if I'd yet said my nightly prayers and done my scripture study. If the answer was no, we would get off the phone so we could each take our time to express our appreciation and needs to Heavenly Father. I know this simple exercise makes a huge difference in the spirituality I feel on a daily basis, yet is one I know is easy to forgo. Why? I am so lucky to be surrounded by wonderful people who remind me how important it is.

My nephew's reminder to pray always was exactly what I needed. I don't understand why, but when I tried falling asleep last night I felt really bad. I can't explain it-- I never feel that way-- something was just wrong. Which mostly left me really perplexed!

As Monkey and I repeatedly prayed together this morning I made them more and more sincere. I honestly asked Heavenly Father to help us, to guide us with His spirit, and help us feel His love and be good children. I even started to feel better! I am so grateful for this little boy's reminder to pray always. As the priesthood leader had counciled his RM, praying often can be the difference between our most spiritual selves and our... not... so spiritual selves. Do not forget that He is there-- worthy of our constant gratitude and willing to help our fears and weaknesses! Even in the middle of the day :)

Afterward, Monkey climbed off the couch and struggled to carry his family's beautiful Book of Mormon off the coffee table to me :) Sign??? (No, J-Boy, I'm not 'Wicked and adulterous!' )

Let's take a note from the children-- those closest to the spirit-- and follow their example.

Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another.

-- Doctrine and Covenants 90:24