Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Miracles

I'll be the first to admit I'm sort of a Holdiay Sourpuss. I have a few theories as to why, but those aren't important right now. What's important is to know that the last few years (especially) I really haven't enjoyed the holidays, but this year I recognized that inclination and earnestly tried to change it.

I firmly believe in daily miracles and our power to be angels on earth, so I tried to think of some over Christmas to help me recognize the Christ in Christmas in our home. Though MANY things went wrong, here are some of what went right (just to prove I fulfilled the experiment):

*My sister, her kids, and my brother all traveled here safely
*No one cried when we took all five grandkids to visit Santa
*I felt really inspired while giving a Christmas sacrament meeting talk
*Two friends got engaged
*There was another mixer available when Mom broke the first one making cookies (too bad some of the broken glass accidentally got cooked into a few cookies...)
*The right mouse button isn't stuck on the computer anymore (but now we have to use the mouse instead of the touchpad!)
*Drew really enjoyed our cookie decorating tradition (by eating the frosting off the knife)
*The kids had a lot of fun with the love log Mr. Wonderful brought over (by jumping on it until foam came out)
*Mr. Wonderful and I both gave each other gifts hand-made from materials that are important to us (We learned that I'm sentimental, and he's a true business nerd)
*Thanks to modern-day technology we were able to video-conference my sister in from the comp to the TV to watch us open presents Christmas morning (no jokes, this one was seriously a miracle)
*Mr. Wonderful spent THREE WHOLE DAYS with me!!!!! (I think going to work every day is really over-rated)
*The Chinese buffet was open on Christmas night when our turkey didn't thaw and it was actuallly pretty good....
*I talked to a few of Mr. Wonderful's family over the phone for Christmas and met his brother and sister-in-law. They are AWESOME! (no jokes about this one, either)
* Older sis and I both felt pretty sick but got over it in 24 hours :)
*Mom bought Mr. Wonderful his own matching Christmas stocking and the whole family really embraced his being around for Christmas (I'm convinced a few of them like him more than me, actually)

Ok, ok... I'm done being sappy. Time for jokes! Here are some of my favorite quotes from this weekend:

"Um... guys.... the oven is on fire. What should I do?" --Mr. Wonderful

"He's creating."-- nephew

"What did you make the SC flag out of? A star? Give me a star." --older bro

"We're paying for his movie and his dinner. He can take the trash out!"-- older bro

"Are you going commando?"-- Mom
"I don't know, but I'm not wearing any underwear!" -- nephew

"We should be figure skaters." -- me

"I didn't cry when we saw Santa!!!!" -- niece

"Don't make cookies with glass in them and then lie about it." -- older Bro

"The turkey is still frozen. Now what?" -- Bro-in-law

"How do you say 'Sorry' in Chinese?"-- me
"I already said it three times. She says it's ok." -- Mr. Wonderful

"There's a little bag attached! Open the little bag!!" - Bro-in-law

"It's spelled Wassel but it's pronounced Wa-Sail." -- nephew

"I hope you guys aren't like this next year..." --mom to me and Mr. Wonderful
"What is she saying about us, Baby?" -- me
"There are too many things..." --Mom
"Air five!" -- friend



  1. I loved this post, so much fun, so much silly fun and goodness. We are spoiled in it, aren't we?! So glad you had a good one. And PS: I have also been a holiday scrooge these last few years. One day we should discuss the reasons why for both of us. Love you.

  2. I think that going to see Wicked should be the #1 Christmas miracle.

    Thanks for the post--it was fun to get a little taste of Christmas at Mom's house.
